• 23 Feb, 2024

Make a difference: donate to open source

With a small amount you can make an enormouse difference for someone.

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Open source has been thriving for 30 years, mainly thanks to random donations from generous individuals. But the importance of open source is much bigger than the support it gets. In a world where open source influences so much, this article is a call to make a difference. Discover how your targeted donations can keep open source projects alive and evolving.

It doesn't require a math genius to understand that doing something for free won't pay the bills. While many developers earn decent salaries, it's essential to recognize that their voluntary contributions to open source deserve recognition. The impact of open source on tech innovations and society is substantial, yet it's disheartening to see much of this work go unsupported and abandoned during its crucial stages of growth.

While donations may not offer a consistent income, they serve as a thoughtful acknowledgement for those contributing in their free time — especially considering how corporations often leverage these projects to enhance their premium services. It goes without saying that companies should donate to the projects enriching their premium products, but many stumble in doing so because they struggle to see the direct value in their contributions. This confusion is understandable. On most platforms, donors lack visibility into where their money goes, whether it makes a difference, or who receives it. This opacity stands as one of the major pitfalls of open source donations.

In summary, the current methods of open source donations lack transparency, posing a challenge to the open source culture.

In light of these considerations, we are actively working on OpenPledge — a platform dedicated to issue-based donations. Here, donors can exercise full control over the destination of their contributions, ensuring transparency in the process. Additionally, contributors will have the opportunity to receive financial support for their valuable efforts. OpenPledge endeavors to make every moment spent on free time contributions worthwhile.

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